York City Vice Presidents

The Vice Presidents do a sterling fundraising job for City. They organise many fundraising events, most open to everyone. VPs enjoy their own lounge at Monks Cross

Our Aim: As supporters of York City, the Vice Presidents seeks to support and promote York City Football Club and to raise additional funds for the club. We are a group of individuals, who are supporters of York City Football Club – we like many, are ‘season ticket holders’, we pay a slightly higher price for our tickets for which we receive hospitality. This is no different to groups taking hospitality in the sponsor boxes, the only difference is we do it week in, week out. Our membership / season tickets help the Club’s finances enormously.

The York City Vice Presidents Association was formed in 1980 as a fund raising group for the Football Club. Since 2003, they have donated £450k to the club. All monies raised go to the Football Club and and is normally directed to a particular cause or requirement of the Club, often nominated by City's manager, one that is out of reach of normal club budget. Therefore, donations really does make a difference. Recent donations have been used for improvements and development at the Wiggington Road training ground, purchase of GPS Trackers used in training / during games, away travel, office furnishings, refurbishments and pre season team building. In addition, the VPs make occasional additional donations to the club to meet specific unexpected needs.

Vice Presidents are nominated or enquire about the position, the individuals are then invited to become members.

The roll of a Vice President is not only to enjoy the football success, but also to play a part in stabilising the club’s position through fund raising. The VPs are recognised as an integral part of the club and therefore their conduct should be in a manner expected by their position within the Club. Each VP has a seat in the Directors Box and is therefore mixing with home and away directors on match day.

The cost of VP membership is £650 (as noted by Malcolm Dawson in December 2022 (previous reports had suggested £850)) per season which includes match day hospitality (but it is understood that the cost of a meal is extra).

Although numerically a small group (34 members in December 2022), many possess specialist skills which help the club. They run a series of events throughout the year that are open to everyone. 40 people attended their pre match lunch in November 2018, the 200 Club has over 200 members (raising £4,500 in 2018/9) and the Golf Day attracts around 100 participants. Annually the VPs donate around £40,000 to YCFC. That figure was significantly exceeded during the coronavirus hit 2019/20 season.

It must be stressed that many VP events are open to non members (pre match luncheons and golf days included) whilst the 200 Club now has over 200 members.

We need success for our great Club – we want to get behind them and be that extra man on the field.

200 Club: 2022/3 200 Club: £30 bought a ticket in the VP's "200 Club". Membership was open to everyone and members' payment is split, two thirds to YCFC and one third in prizes. There are 4 draws per season. The first 2022/3 draw was held in November 2022 and membership is now closed.

Email Malcolm Dawson or see below for further details.

  1. Wednesday 3rd September 2025: Golf Day - The Vice Presidents hold their annual golf day, sponsored by Harome Homes, at Easingwold Golf Club. To register (Teams of 4 - £220 or singles (you'll be placed in a team) - £55) and for sponsorship opportunities email Malcolm Dawson.
  2. May 3, 2023, City's Under 19 side win the Alliance League Cup Final, beating Woking 1-0 at St George's Park, Burton. The VPs funded their travel costs for the day.
  3. In August 2022, it was announced that at the recent 2022/3 York City Football Club Vice-Presidents Association AGM, Malcolm Dawson BEM was been elected as the new Chairman of the York City Football Club Vice-Presidents Association. Malcolm, a Vice-President for the last 10 years, said: “I am truly humbled and honoured to be elected to this role as Chairman of the Association, and I will work tirelessly to continue the fundraising efforts together with my fellow Vice-Presidents. I would like to thank each and every one of them for their support towards my appointment”. In 2015, Malcolm was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to Students and Higher Education in the Queen’s 2015 Birthday Honours List. He went onto say, “It would be remiss of me if I didn’t acknowledge the fabulous and dedicated work of Richard Adams over the last 42 years as a Vice-President and the last 18 years as Chairman in particular.”
  4. 25th June 2022, City report the death of Harry Gration MBE, comments were attributed to Richard Adams, the ex-Chairman of the Vice Presidents, the first time his departure from a City post had been (widely) reported.
  5. 30th October 2021 saw the first 200 Club draw of the season. With 249 entries (from 214 people), the top prize was £250.
  6. 2020 Golf Day - July 15 2020 - Forest Park Golf Club (Stockton-on-the-Forest) - CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS; see below original press release below
  7. On 12th December 2019, York City Football Club thanked the Vice Presidents for generously funding the new front gates at the Wigginton Road Training Ground. The old gates were a target of the theft and vandalism at the Club earlier in the season, and new heavy duty barriers will now act to secure the facility, along with CCTV monitors. Richard Adams, chairman of the York City FC Vice Presidents, spoke after the new construction: "During the close season the Vice Presidents donated £4,000 to cover the cost of remedial works at the Wigginton Road Training Ground. The main pitches were regraded, hollow tined, sand dressing applied and fully reseeded. Our members were disgusted at the damage caused by the individuals who (recently) broke into the training ground, driving over the playing surfaces leaving the ruts and tyre marks. The club’s groundsmen were involved in repairing and making good the damage, however the main gate and fence at the entrance was damaged so severely they needed to be replaced. Our membership stepped in immediately with an offer to replace the gate and the adjoining fence with a more secure version to ensure that this form of damage is not repeated. We the help from Blacker Steel Fabrications and a further donation of over £2,000 we are delighted to report that together with the new gate and the extra security installed we will eliminate a repeat of this mindless vandalism".
  8. Sporting director Dave Penney has thanked (May 25, 2018) the Vice Presidents for a significant financial contribution towards pitch improvements at the club's training ground and equipment for the Academy. The Vice-Presidents have also agreed to pay for the acquisition of over 100 luxury bath towels which will be used by the club's players next season. Penney said, "I want to say a big thank you to the Vice Presidents for their latest generous contribution to the club. It's a massive help financially and enables the club to proceed with much needed improvement work at Wigginton Road." Richard Adams, club director and chairman of the Vice Presidents, said: "The VPs raise substantial funds for the club every season and are always happy to support special projects as and when they are required. We consulted with our members before making this donation and there was unanimous support for all three ventures."
  9. During the 2017/8 season, the Vice Presidents raised in excess of £30,000 for City. Well done. Money was provided for various objectives, including to the academy for additional essential equipment and to irrigate the training ground's sub soil by drilling holes and filling them with 180 tons of sand to improve irrigation.
200 Club: Membership of the “200 Club” is open to all supporters. Membership payment is split - two thirds to York City Football Club – one third in prizes. In recent seasons, membership has exceeded expectations leading to regular bonus prizes and additional funds for the club.
  1. Each member will pay £30 per season to join the ‘200 Club’ - this is paid annually, if possible by standing order to the York City Vice Presidents, a mandate is available on request from Malcolm Dawson.
  2. Each member is allocated a number for the season.
  3. There is a minimum of four prize draws during the season (each with prizes of £100, £75, £50, £25). If we achieve a similar membership as the last 3 years (200 in 2020/1), 2 bonus prizes (£200) will be added in the second and fourth draws.
  4. Each draw consists of four or five prizes.
  5. The prizes depend on the membership - more members, bigger prizes. One third of ticket sales is distributed as prizes.

Membership has steadily increased.

  1. 2015-6 - 166 members raised £3,460
  2. 2016-7 - 193 members (£1,800 in prizes)
  3. 2017-8 - 207 members (£4,310 raised for City and over paid out in £1,900 in prizes)
  4. 2019/20 - 212 members
  5. 2020/1 - A record 270 members raising over £5,950 for YCFC
  6. 2021/2 - 249 members
  7. 2022/3 - 161 members
  8. 2023/4 - TBC members
  9. 2024/5 - TBC members

Some recent results:

The 4th and final draw of the 2022/3 season took place on Monday 10th April 2023 prior to the FC Halifax game. The numbers and winners, were drawn by David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd, the former England and Lancashire cricketer,the winners are listed below. Congratulations to all the above winners and thank you all for your support throughout the season. Malcolm Dawson, Chairman.

  • Bonus prize: (£150): 162 - Colin Fletcher
  • 1st Prize: (£100): 91 - P.N.Roberts
  • 2nd Prize: (£75): 60 - Mike Castro
  • 3rd Prize: (£50): 121 – John Stabler
  • 4th Prize: (£25): 45 - N.G.Rank

The 4th and final draw of the 2023/4 season took place on Saturday 13th April 2024. The numbers and winners were drawn by Paul Sackey. Congratulations to all the above winners and thank you all for your support throughout the season. Malcolm Dawson, Chairman.

  • 1st Prize: (£100): 69 - Russell Cleaver
  • 2nd Prize: (£75): 82 - Peter Gildener
  • 3rd Prize: (£50): 4 - Simon Russell
  • 4th Prize: (£25): 44 - David Meal

The first 200 Club draw of the 2024/5 season took place on Saturday October 19. The winners were:

  • 1st Prize: £100: 300 - Ken Halstead
  • 2nd Prize: £75: 242 - York City South
  • 3rd Prize: £50: 182 - Sophie Brook
  • 4th Prize: £25: 43 - David Bylfield

Congratulations to all the winners who have been notified, and THANK YOU ALL for your continued support. Numbers were drawn by former player Rodney Rowe. The next draw is on Saturday 21st December 2024

The 3rd 200 Club draw of the 2024/5 season took place on Saturday February 22 and was drawn by the VP's match day guest and Halifax Town supporter Derek Holroyd. The winners were:

  • 1st Prize: £100: 233 - Mike Stockdale
  • 2nd Prize: £75: 290 - John Burton
  • 3rd Prize: £50: 271 - Claire Gildener
  • 4th Prize: £25: 248 - Gordon Gildener

Thank you all for your continued support.

Membership is open to everyone at just £30 a season. Payments can by:

  • Cheques made payable to “YCVP – (Ref: 200 Club)” and sent to Malcolm Dawson, c/o York City Football Club
  • Bank transfer (ideally annual mandate): A/C No 40293190 and Sort Code 09-06-66 with reference “YCVP (Ref: 200 Club)”
  • Cash to Malcolm Dawson

2025 Golf Day:

The organising committee are pleased to announce that the 2025 York City F.C. Golf Day will take place on Wednesday 3rd 2025 at the Easingwold Golf Club. The Golf Day has proved to be a great success as a fundraiser for the Football Club and we look forward to welcoming individuals and four balls to this summer's event. It is open to all and it is hoped that the manager and players will be present. To obtain further details and a registration form please email Malcolm Dawson.

The day includes:

  1. Registration opens 12.30 to 1.30pm
  2. 18 Hole Tournament – shotgun start – Tee Off 2.00pm
  3. Coffee/tea and Bacon Sandwich on arrival
  4. Half-Way House Open
  5. Team Prizes for first 3 teams
  6. Prizes for Nearest the Pin – Hole 5, Hole 13 and Hole 15
  7. Prizes for Nearest the Pin in two – Hole 17
  8. Dinner followed by prize presentation
  9. Auction of Sporting Items

Details of sponsorship are also available from Malcolm Dawson.

Pre Match Meals: As part of our fund raising, we organise ‘Pre-Match Meals’ through the season attended by our members and guests. The meal includes a main course followed by a desert plus cheese and biscuits. The wine is selected by our resident Sommelier, Gordon Gildener and is sponsored by one of the members. The meals are held once a month during the season and open to all but places are limited by the size of our venue. Dates and menus are available on request from Malcolm Dawson
Christmas Hamper Raffle: A Christmas Hamper Raffle is usually held annually and has proved to be very successful, in 2015, it netted £1,700 in profit. Items for the hampers were donated by members to produce a luxury hamper, plus three smaller hampers. We also obtained hampers from M&S, John Lewis and ASDA. Raffle tickets are sold by members but any assistance would be appreciated. Subsequent years have seen similar amounts raised.
Upcoming Events:
  • 200 Club: 4 draws a season
  • Pre Match Meals: Details TBC. Throughout the season. The meals are held regularly, generally sitting down at 1pm. The cost is just £21 (BC price, MX price tbc) for a 3 course meal, including wine. Guests and non members are most welcome to join the Vice Presidents to sample the delights of the club's caterer before joining the rest of us to cheer on City. Contact Malcolm Dawson.
Contact: For any queries about the York City Vice Presidents please email Malcolm Dawson.
200 Club past winners include:
  • February 25th 2023 (Drawn by the Vice Presidents' French guests): Bonus prize: (£150): 105 - James Mason; 1st Prize: (£100): 53- A Crowley; 2nd Prize: (£75): 78 - Chris Newton; 3rd Prize: (£50): 41 - Phoebe Botham Day; 4th Prize: (£25): 159 - Simon Crack
  • December 26th 2022 (Drawn by TBC): Bonus prize: (£150): 25 - David Bylfield; 1st Prize: (£100): 7 - Rebecca Bull; 2nd Prize: (£75): 62 - Chris Fawdington; 3rd Prize: (£50): 61 - Mark Bottom; 4th Prize: (£25): 73 - Tom Henry
  • November 19th 2022 (Drawn by TBC): Bonus prize: (£150): 60 – Mike Castro; 1st Prize: (£100): 79 - Kate Bottom; 2nd Prize: (£75): 47 - Peter Pink; 3rd Prize: (£50): 136 - John Lawrance; 4th Prize: (£25): 31 - Declan Tecwyn
  • May 2th 2022 (Julie Skelton and family): Bonus prize: (£200): 235 – L S Hardgrave; 1st Prize: (£100): 104 – Karen McGowen; 2nd Prize: (£75): 154 – Jason McGill; 3rd Prize: (£50): 105 – Leo Bruce; 4th Prize: (£25): 173 – Richard Martin
  • March 14th 2022 (Liam McGuiness, City's Commercial Manager): Bonus prize: (£200): 110 – Sue Grewer / 1st Prize: (£100): 61 – Bernard Chalk / 2nd Prize: (£75): 28 – Chris Forth / 3rd Prize: (£50): 203 – Ken Halstead / 4th Prize: (£25): 216 – Geoff Dunham
  • December 11th 2021 (Drawn by Derek and Sue Hood, attending their first LNER game): Bonus prize: (£250): 204 – Marie Baugh / 1st Prize: (£100): 183 – Sophie Walker / 2nd Prize: (£75): 51 – Tom Sharkey / 3rd Prize: (£50): 18 - Peter Burgess / 4th Prize: (£25): 109 - Andrea Wallbank-Scales
  • October 30th 2021 (Tim Bulmer an ex-Vice President now living in the Isle of Wight who was attending his first game at the LNER Stadium): Bonus prize: (£250): 102 – Anne Begley / 1st Prize: (£100): 31 – Lucan Hawes / 2nd Prize: (£75): 77 – Margaret Ann Lang / 3rd Prize: (£50): 225 - Michael Inns / 4th Prize: (£25): 118 - Peter Gildener
  • May 28th 2021 (Drawn by Mr Grant Niblo (Head Concierge - The Residence Foyer), Grant is also a Manchester City fan, complying with the Covid 19 guidelines and protocol and strict social distancing procedures): Bonus prize: (£200): 237 – Steve Mapplebeck / 1st Prize: (£100): 166 – Ian Lightfoot / 2nd Prize: (£75): 195 – James Staff / 3rd Prize: (£50): 60 – Andy Mulholland / 4th Prize: (£25): 70 – Philip Marsham
  • March 24th 2021 ((Drawn by Mr Grant Niblo (Head Concierge - The Residence Foyer), complying with the Covid 19 guidelines and protocol and strict social distancing procedures): Bonus Prize (£200): 67 – Dave West / 2nd Bonus Prize (£150): 213 – Adele Walker / 1st Prize (£100): 107 – R Blackburn / 2nd Prize (£75): 121 – Graham Walker / 3rd Prize (£50): 84 – Mike White / 4th Prize (£25): 183 – Richard Moor
  • December 18th 2020 (Drawn by Ian Tyssen and Nick Lister in the Bishopthorpe Post Office): Bonus Prize (£200): Richard Adams / 2nd Bonus prize (£150): Dave Simmons / 1st Prize (£100): Sam Bodmer / 2nd Prize (£75): York City South / 3rd Prize (£50): Ken Crawford / 4th Prize (£25): Clare Gildener
  • October 24th 2020 (Drawn by John Wardle, a City fan for many years): Bonus Prize (£200): Phil Beck / 2nd Bonus Prize (£150): Bill Coughton / 1st Prize (£100): A Crowley / 2nd Prize (£75): John Lawrence / 3rd Prize (£50): Derrick Robinson / 4th Prize (£25): John Uttley
  • April 20th 2020 (Drawn by Richard Adams and Gordon Gildener): Bonus prize (£200): Tom Sharkey / 1st Prize (£100): Ian Tyssen / 2nd Prize (£75): Alastair Reid / 3rd Prize (£50): Richard Adams / 4th Prize (£25): Laurie Garrison. Alastair Reid and Richard Adams donated their winnings back to the Vice Presidents.
  • March 18th 2020 (Drawn by Dave Penney): Bonus prize (£200): Malcolm Slinger / 1st Prize (£100): Liz Adams / 2nd Prize (£75): Tim Bulmer / 3rd Prize (£50): Sam Vause / 4th Prize (£25): Nick Theobald
  • November 2nd 2019 (Drawn by Steve Torpey, City's former Youth Team Manager): Bonus prize (£200): Peter Crack / 1st Prize (£100): Leo Bruce / 2nd Prize (£75): Malcolm Dawson / 3rd Prize (£50): Alistair Smith / 4th Prize (£25): Sue Grewer
  • April 27th 2019 (Drawn by Victoria Barrett, City's newly appointed Events & Marketing Manager): Bonus prize (£200): Kevin McGowan / 1st Prize (£100): Clare Gildener / 2nd Prize (£75): Graham Walker / 3rd Prize (£50): Chris Forth / 4th Prize (£25): Paul Sankey
  • December 22nd 2018 (Drawn by Paul Sankey, a loyal supporter of City since 1948 and a guest of the Vice Presidents): Bonus prize (£200): Paul Revell / 1st Prize (£100): Jane Slinger / 2nd Prize (£75): Alastair Dearnley / 3rd Prize (£50): Andy Bottom / 4th Prize (£25): Carol Fosh
  • November 3rd 2018 (Drawn by Graeme Crawford): Bonus prize (£200): Peter Crack / 1st Prize (£100): Steve Mapplebeck / 2nd Prize (£75): Doreen Hardgrave / 3rd Prize (£50): Nathan Chalk / 4th Prize (£25): Isla Skinner
  • April 20th 2018 (Drawn by Dave Penney): Bonus prize (£200): Brian Kenny / 1st Prize (£100): Joe Hardgrave / 2nd Prize (£75): Nigel Wallbank / 3rd Prize (£50): / Judith Elcock / 4th Prize (£25): Geoff Metcalfe
  • February 24th 2018 (Drawn by Tim Lawrence, a guest of the Vice Presidents): Bonus prize (£100): Stephen Harker / 1st Prize (£100): Patrick Crowley / 2nd Prize (£75): Stephen Crockford / 3rd Prize (£50): Chris Allen / 4th Prize (£25): Andrew Laver
  • December 23rd 2017 (Drawn by Robert Havercroft, Bootham Crescent stadium announcer): Bonus prize (£200): Tony Precious / Bonus prize (£200): Peter Crack / 1st Prize (£100): Graham Blythe / 2nd Prize (£75): Ann Burgess / 3rd Prize (£50): Jeffery Yoward / 4th Prize (£25): Patricia Grant
  • December 17th 2016 (Drawn by Sue Mills and Victoria Caskey): Bonus prize (£200): Alma Player / Bonus prize (£200): Brian Kenny / 1st Prize (£100): Bernard Wilkinson / 2nd Prize (£75): Aiden Chalk / 3rd Prize (£50): Neil Barnes / 4th Prize (£25): Philip Duffey
  • October 22nd 2016 (Drawn by Sue Mills): 1st Prize (£100): Andrew Laver / 2nd Prize (£75): Josh Wallbank-Scales / 3rd Prize (£50): Philip Beck / 4th Prize (£25): Jenny Skinner
  • April 30th 2016 Bonus Prize (£200): Adele Walker / 1st Prize (£100): Jim Ferguson / 2nd Prize (£75): Steve Grayson / 3rd Prize (£50): Brian Purves / 4th Prize (£25): David Elcock Jnr
The more xxxx.
The more xxxx.
2019 Golf DayThe organising committee for the 7th annual York City Golf Day, held at Forest Park Golf Club Stockton-on-the-Forest on 3rd July 2019, are pleased to announce that the day was a great success and raised £6,500 for the VPs and City. Richard Adams thanked the joint main sponsors of the event, Elcocks Of York who supported the event for a fifth year (representatives from the family business also participated on the day) and the Hilton Hotels & Resorts. The Halfway House was provided and manned courtesy of the Hilton Hotel. The event was supported by manager, Steve Watson, his assistant Micky Cummings and the full squad of players, many participating in the event. Amongst the golfers was ex England manager, Steve McClaren who joined his father’s team. 26 teams competed and the winners were the Greyhound Inn at Riccall, lead by Steve Bell (team captain) Bob Atkinson, Steve Sharp, Chris Clapham. On receiving the trophy, Steve thanked the organisers for an excellent well organised event, all the sponsors on the day, Forest Park Golf Club for hosting the event and he made a special mention to the green keepers who produced fast running fairways and superb putting greens fit for any championship. Steve confirmed Greyhound Inn would be back next year to defend the trophy. The Vice Presidents expressed thanks to Forest Park for hosting the event, all those who sponsored the event, and all those who took part. Top of the leader board were Greyhound Inn (95 points), Garbutt & Elliott (92 points), Dream Sport (91 points on countback), F1 Maclaren’s (91 points) and The Robins (89 points on countback). Nearest the pin prizes were won by Andrew Payne, Ian Robb, Craig Stimson and Nigel Mansell. Please email YCFC Golf for further details, including next year's registration forms and hole sponsorship.
Crowd Funder / Coronavirus With City's finances badly hit by coronavirus, in May 2020, the Vice Presidents launched a crowd funding event for the club to assist our management team to recruit the best possible squad for 2020/1. On June 26, the crowd funding closed, having reached its £10,000 target. The Vice Presidents doubled the sum raised meaning a total of £30,180 as available for Steve Watson's 2021/2 budget. The committee wrote, "Two months ago, the Organising Committee for the Vice Presidents launched a Crowdfunding Appeal with an initial target of £10,000 and all the money going specifically to help the manager begin his preparation for the resumption of the game. The VP’s guaranteeing that 100% of money raised will be used for the assembly and development of the team. We are pleased to announce that the sum raised by you the supporters is £15,090. On behalf of the Organising Committee we would like to thank all those who donated to the cause, either by donations or purchasing items on eBay or an auction. Our thanks also go to the York City Supporters Trust for their much-appreciated donation of £1,000. Personal thanks were given to the chairman and also recognised by the club. Our thanks to Steven Watson for his recent statement relating to the appeal and hopefully the funds raised will assist him with the assembly and development of the team for the forthcoming season. From the outset and setting up of the Crowdfunding Appeal, the Vice Presidents membership in their own right proposed that they should donate to the cause and if possible, match the sum raised – pound for pound. The membership will honour the proposal and therefore make the final figure raised to £30,180. When convenient the Organising Committee will organise a meeting with Steve Watson to discuss the finer details. The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on football, in general, has been damaging – the future of some clubs remains uncertain, but due to your support York City FC can move forward. If you missed the cut-off time and you wish to donate please write to: York City Vice Presidents Appeal, Bootham Crescent, York YO30 7AQ enclosing cheque or requesting bank details to make payment. Our thanks to all the supporters who have kindly donated to the cause – much appreciated. Please help if you can, donate to York City's 2020/1 Playing Budget Crowd Funder. On June 30, The Vice Presidents approached the chairman and board and made a further £20,000 donation to cover the expected cost of the COVID-19 testing programme for the play offs.
The 2018 York City Golf Day took place on Juy 17 2018 at Forest Park Golf Club, Stockton-on-the-Forest. Manager Martin Gray and his squad played alongside City supporters. Victors were Helmsley Group York, closely followed by Happy Wanderers, Ambulancemen, Otley Boys and Team of Two Hats. On receiving the trophy, Ged thanked the organisers for an 'excellent, well-organised' event, all the sponsors on the day, Forest Park Golf Club for hosting the event and he made a special mention to the ‘Green Keepers’ who produced fast running fairways and superb putting greens fit for any championship. Ged also confirmed Helmsley Group would be back next year to defend the trophy, their team included City defender Daniel Parslow playing as a guest alongside Ged Keary (team captain), David Hextall, and Nick Lawn. A total of 88 people, paying £40 each for 18 holes of golf and a 3 course meal, took part. The day was a great success and raised over £6,000 for the Football Club. Richard Adams thanked the main sponsor, Elcocks of York who supported the event for a fourth year with family representatives participating on the day. The organising committee had secured a major sponsorship deal for the event from Elcocks Of York which forms part of their continual support for the football club. Andrew Elcock said: "As a company we have supported York City with ground advertising and participated at the last three previous golf days, however, last year we were offered the chance to be the main sponsor. We worked closely with the Committee and the Golf Club to guarantee a successful and enjoyable day for all those participating at the event. Sponsoring the event was an honour to be associated with York City Football Club and was beneficial in the promotion to our company locally and therefore we are delighted to continue as sponsors for this year’s event." The committee also thanked the event's other sponsors: Arnold Laver, Colenso, Garbutt & Elliott, Harrogate Spring Water, The Helmsley Group, Hethertons, Monks Cross Tiles, Stabler Textiles, Streamline Taxis, Think Colour, The Victoria (Cattal), Dr Ron Wagner-Wright (USA), The Williams Family (California), York City Vice-Presidents, and Yorvik Windscreens.
The 2017 York City Golf Day was a great success and fund raiser for the football club. It was held on Monday 9th October 2017 at the Forest Park Golf Club at Stockton-on-the-Forest with Elcocks Ltd of York as the main sponsor of the day. The day consisted of an 18 hole tournament (shotgun start) with 5 team prizes plus 3 nearest the pin prizes, including an Audi TT for the weekend (courtesy of York Audi). Golf was followed by dinner, prize presentations and an auction of sporting items.
During my tenure as Chairman of the York City Vice Presidents, the Group has fund raised throughout each season. The money raised has always been directed towards specific projects or requirements of the football club. Over the years we have seen the money raised used to improve the facilities at the Wiggington Road training ground, irrigation schemes and equipment used at the club. The aim of the Vice Presidents has always been to assist the Chairman and the Board of Directors financially from our fundraising. Over the period I have been Chairman, we have raised over £275K. Over the last couple of seasons the Vice Presidents have also tried to work closely with the Supporters Trust and the various supporters groups. Last season (2016/7) the East Riding Minstermen made a very generous donation to our cause and this has been added to our overall fundraising for last season. Like all the supporters of our great club we owe so much financially to our Chairman, Jason McGill, who has kept our club ‘alive’ through very difficult times and what seems to be never ending, the delay in our move to the new Community Stadium at Monks Cross. Thanks to him and his company, JM Packaging, we find ourselves in a position to kick-off the new season with real hope. Thank you, Mr Chairman, we owe you so much. Following our great Wembley win I had a brief conversation with our manager Gary Mills. During the conversation he mentioned Pre-Season and how he would like to take the squad away as a ‘bonding exercise’, but it may be a problem financially for the club. I circulated my fellow VPs with a proposal to use part of the money we raised last season to fund their four days in Leicestershire. The response was unanimous to the money being used for the squad’s pre-season bonding exercise. I approached the club with an offer to fund the away trip and I am delighted to say they accepted our offer. - Richard Adams (August 2017)
The 2016 York City Golf Day took place on Yorkshire Day, 1st August 2016 at Forest Park Golf Club, Stockton-on-the-Forest and as previous events was a great success with 22 teams competing with over £6,000 raised for club funds. Thanks are due to Elcocks of York for their sponsorship of the event for the second year, their ongoing support is much appreciated by the Club. Jackie McNamara, his management team and a number of players were joined by teams of club supporters and individuals competing for the prizes and trophy on offer. There was also a guest appearance by the ex-Newcastle United and England Manager, Steve McClaren. 1st place was won by Neil Ferguson’s ‘Bobbie’s Flip Flops’. York Audi sponsored nearest the pin on the 16th hole with the offer of an Audi TT for the weekend, this was won by Fred Beckley playing in the Hardstaff team. The top 5 places were filled by 1st Place: ‘Bobbie’s Flip Flops’ – Captained by Neil Ferguson; 2nd Place: ‘The Slingers’ – Captained by Malcolm Slinger; 3rd Place: ‘North Yorkshire Ambulance’ – Captained by Tim Amer; 4th Place: ‘Bellends’ – Captained by Steve Bell and 5th Place: ‘Filey on Tour’ - Captained by Adi Hammond. The organising committee would like to thank all the sponsors on the day and all those who took time out to participate and look forward to seeing you at next year’s event. A week earlier Nick Theobald outbid everyone to be Jackie McNamara's assistant manager for the Doncaster friendly game. Many thanks are due to Nick and all the underbidders for making the event a success. Read More. Personally, I'd had little interaction with the VPs until one matchday late in the season when I was invited into their lounge before a game. I was pleasantly surprised by the cross range of VPs (some stalwarts of The Roof Appeal) and found them all to be very supportive of my York City Quiz Book.
2015/6 Funds provided to new manager Jackie McNamara to buy GPS equipement to help to raise fitness levels in training.

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