YCS Branch News
Our branch holds regular social events, below are details of some of the ones you've missed
Read a 2002 account of the branch's early years and more about our website (below).
April 21 YCS members and friends enjoy the LNER hospitality before the Oldham game. Prices are season ticket holders (Adults / Concessions - £40 and Students / U16 - £30) and non season ticket holders (Adults - £62, Concessions - £57 and Students / U16 - £40). For more details and latest availability email YCS.
January 23 Mike Brown was our guest speaker and he outlined his involvement with YCST and YCFC over the last 20+ tumultuous years.
December 23 YCS sponsored shirt wearers, Ollie Pearce and Joe Felix send Christmas greetings to all YCS members
October 16 Online Q&A with David McGurk.
June 12 A YCS first as Adam Hinshelwood attends a branch meeting, the first City manager to visit us in London. The meeting saw the launch of our Euro 24 prediction completion organised by Brad Smith and won by new member Conan Dunne.
June 6 AGM with Brad Smith appointed branch Chairman.
May 9 A YCS first as we host Scott Barrow in an online Microsoft Teams meeting.
February 26 Darts Night social is overtaken by the day's events. Fortunately we had Alastair Smith in attendance to provide a rumour free update on events. PS You had to be there to know who telephoned him 4 times in the morning, pre the sacking, to put his name forward.
January 6 12 members enjoy a meet the manager with Neal Ardley in the team's hotel on the eve of the Boreham Wood game.
2023 A quiet year for YCS but plenty of local fixtures. A planned meet the manager event in February fell foul of managerial upheavals.
December 8 First YCS post covid AGM. Alastair Smith fulfilled his pledge to come and speak about his role as City's CEO.
December 3 9 members and friends plus12 Wrexham fans witness City's 1-1 draw with Wrexham live from the LNER on BT Sports at The Sheephaven Bay.
November 12 18 members and friends witness City's 2-1 defeat at Altrincham live on BT Sports at The Sheephaven Bay.
August 27 City win 1-0 at Maidenhead and YCS members agree a succession plan to YCS Chairman Alastair Smith. Read More.
August 17 At least 18 members and friends see City's 1-1 draw at Solihull Moors live on BT Sports at The Sheephaven Bay. Watch Us Watching City.
July 5 The day sees all the club's shares in the hands of Glen Henderson and YCST and a new 2 man board of Henderson and YCS Chairman Alastair Smith. Smith is the third YCS member to serve on the club's board after Steve Beck and Josh Easby
April 23 YCS enjoyed hospitality, including a Jon Parkin Q&A, at the LNER Community Stadium and presented our player of the season trophy to Peter Jameson after the game. The only let down was a late Gloucester equaliser in a 1-1 draw. See the hospitality programme.
March 11 YCS are invited to meet City at their team hotel by Junction 28 off the M25 on the eve of the FA Trophy Quarter Final tie. Read More.
November 25 With covid restrictions easing, YCS held a social event for the first time in nearly 2 years. At The Sheephaven Bay, Andy Naylor ran out a worthy winner of our darts night with James Daniels second and Cathy Daniels and Alastair Smith tied for 3rd place. Andy lost just one of his 6 matches whilst everyone won at least 2 games as form went out of the window. James took award for the best 3 dart score 138, pipping long time leader Cathy.
November 20 City lose 2-1 to Kettering, the highlight for Andy Naylor was clocking up 300,000 miles supporting City on the journey home.
October 2 Long time YCS member, Andy Naylor sees City beat Whitby by 2-0 in The FA Cup 3rd Qualifying Round at The LNER Community Stadium. Its the 100thd different ground on which he has seen a City victory.
January 29 John Catton, a founder member of York City South passed away.
A founder member of the branch, John served as Secretary and committee member for many years before returning to Yorkshire. Despite poor health, he was a regular at City games, home and away. Invariably, John, as our Honorary Life Vice President would join us in our hospitality box at Bootham Crescent every season. John will be fondly remembered for his friendly demeanour as well as his fanzine, “Oh What A Shambles” and his annual 1990s City travel guide, essential reading for many City supporters, in an era when such things were not readily available elsewhere. Alastair Smith recalls, "John was the inspiration behind York City South, he had an idea about creating a York City Supporters Club in London and the South and put plans into motion. He somehow recognised a few faces at Southern away games and made contact. We held our first AGM at the Blue Posts Pub in Soho to create the branch on 8th July 1996. In attendance were John, Paul Hilton, Phil Howden, and myself. Simon Newton couldn’t make the meeting but we had already twisted his arm to be Treasurer.
We thought we may have around 20 members, that first season we recruited 63 members, our second season 118 thanks to actively pressganging supporters at Southern matches. John was very active in shaping the Branch in those early days and members from this time will have many great memories of it him. We held monthly meetings initially and when we were double booked one evening we all decamped to John’s office which was just round the corner. John also drove to many matches, he had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the best fish and chip shops, unfortunately that often meant driving many miles out of their way just to get some good fish and chips, even on Tuesday night games!! When we played Everton in the League Cup John hired a minibus and drove us to Liverpool, the bus appeared to be limited to 50mph, and John insisted on driving round London to drop everyone off at their home, being the last stop I arrived home just in time to see my neighbour heading off to work. These stories sum John up for me, he was a great guy who would do anything to help other people".
December 18 YCS win the £75 2nd prize in the latest Vice Presidents "200 Club" draw.
December 12 With some coronavirus restrictions being lifted, 400 2019/20 season ticket holders fans are allowed back into Bootham Crescent for the first time this season. Their numbers included 5 YCS members.
August 13 Given coronavirus, the AGM (due May 2020) was not held. Officials for 2020/1 were determined in August 2020 via a series of emails between members and committee and will be formally elected at the delayed AGM. With Derek Feasby returning to live in York, the outcome was that Alastair Smith was elected Chairman, Ray Goodearl as Vice Chaiman and Andy Naylor as Treasurer. See full list of officers.
July 25 Football returns (wish it hadn't) to Bootham Crescent. City go down 2-0 to Altrincham in the NLN play off semi final. With coronavirus restrictions meaning no fans are allowed, 2 YCS flags and a number of us in cardboard cut out format did make it into the ground.
June 20 YCS support City's #Promote2 campaign and write the following to Brian Barwick and the National League in support of the campaign, "We strongly believe that the National League should maintain the 4 down / 4 up principle of relegation between the national and the regional divisions. It is the principle that all teams understood at the start of the season and played towards throughout the season until it was curtailed in March. For the National League to move to a system where just one team is relegated and 2 are promoted is a betrayal of trust of all 68 teams, their players and their supporters and does not put either the National League or its title sponsor, Vanarama, in a good light. Indeed, it makes the National League a laughing stock if it can change its own rules mid season and casts doubts on the integrity of the National League. Additionally, it sets The National League on a different path to the English Football League who have upheld the principles of promotion and relegation between all divisions. Equally, by rewarding failure and penalising success, it sets a dangerous precedent of stagnation. The only fair, sporting and equitable decision is to conclude the season on the same basis as the English Football League. Any other outcome would call into question the integrity of the competition for many years to come. This method would maintain solidarity with the English Football League. The English Football League has been flexible in how it decides the full complement of promotion and relegation places between its divisions. All we are asking is that the National League adopts the same flexibility to determine how best it fills its full quota of promotion and relegation places. We hope you re-consider your decision and seek a solution which sees all 8 relegation and promotion places filled."
April 11 YCS donate £1,000 to York City. With our hospitality box game postponed, those due to attend and the committee decided to make the donation, covering the box monies due and an additional £195 from YCS funds. The donation was publicly acknowledged by director Richard Adams a day later. That makes a total of £2,500 donated by the branch in the last year.
April 4 Lockdown also saw YCS run polls for the Best Ever City Team (the arguments still rage whilst Dave Batters won the pull to determine the Best Ever City Book.
March 26 With lockdown under way and no football, YCS launch an "Either Or" twitter quiz, it was to run weekly, every Wednesday, until June 10 and the return of Premier League football.
March 14 City's game against Altrincham postponed due to coronavirus thus denying YCS to the opportunity to host a hospitality box and present our 2019/20 player of the season award to Sean Newton.
March 4 Andy Naylor was unbeaten as he won the YCS darts competition to retain the Steve Beck Memorial Darts Trophy. Ray Goodearl was runner up and James Daniels finished 3rd. The evening was enjoyed by all, everyone won at least 2 matches in a tense competition, enlivened by a spot or 2 of lifting and shifting and plenty of crawling on knees to retrieve lost darts.
November 13 A good turnout for Pizza With Parslow at The Sheephaven Bay. Daniel gave a really interesting talk on his career, recalling the best (and worst) managers he played under, some team mates, his career ending concussion injury and maybe a story or 2 he shouldn't, but you had to be there to hear them all. All told the evening raised £400 for Daniel's testimonial fund. Many thanks to all those who supported the evening and / or purchased the latest issue of new frontiers fanzine. Read More
October 19 YCS host a showing of City's classy 2-0 televised win over Stockport in The FA Cup at The Sheephaven Bay.
October 17 Dean Kiely makes a very welcome return to be our YCS guest speaker at The Sheephaven Bay. Read More
May 30 YCS donate £1,500 to fulfil an ask from Steve Watson and the academy coaching staff. The money has allowed City to buy a state of the art camera with attached i-pad which will be used mainly by the academy team at the training ground, although it will also be available to the senior squad. It will allow training sessions to recorded from above. It will be installed and ready for use when the players return for pre season training. YCS wish to thank everyone who has contributed to our fund raising efforts to allow us to make this donation. A few months later, Dan Wilson, Head Of Youth contacted YCS to say, "The camera is excellent and will be invaluable moving forward. It allows us to film games from a high level for our U14's - U16's and our youth team. We have a team of analysts from York St John University that operate the cameras. As they get better we will be able to do even more in terms of feeding back to the players. We will also be able to do more highlights packages which you will be able to see on the club website and social media. Thanks again for your support. Read More.
May 22 AGM. Regrettably Hyla announced he was standing down as secretary due to changed personal circumstances. Derek presented Joel with his member of the season award again, allowing Joel to enjoy the moment without being distracted by his 2 youngsters.
April 19 YCS hosted a hospitality box for the Spennymoor match. Before the game, Derek Feasby presented Daniel Parslow with a momentum in recognition of his many years’ service to City. Daniel spoke about his time with City but doubted whether he'd be around next season. Also, Derek presented Joel Stern with his member of the season shield. After the game, Jordan Burrow came up and was rewarded with our Player Of The Year trophy. He spent a good 10 minutes chatting with us, about the game just finished and he is already looking forward to next season when he expects it to be a good one. Fully focused on his football, Jordan drives up from his Chesterfield home every day for training and matches without ever having any time to explore the city. Spennymoor Sponsored Game - All The Pics
March 28 Guest speaker Paul Barnes recounts his footballing career. Read More
February 28 Andy Naylor was crowned YCS Darts Champ for the first time when he beat the holder Ray Goodearl in the final. A tense final went down to the wire, it was close all night long with 4 contenders in the line for the final entering the final round of darts.
January 30 After 8 successive away league defeats for City, Andy & Katherine Naylor forego the delights of Alfreton and go to Bridgetown, Barbados in search of an England test win.
January Mike Brown was an unexpected guest at a YCS meeting he gavec an insightful talk on his time with YCST.
January 8 YCS members Hyla Campbell and Ray Goodearl invited to take part in the Radio York, "How Do You Turnaround A Club Like York City" debate.
December 15 YCS Bootham Crescent commemorative scarves (pre-ordered) dispatched. All remaining scarves were sold within 4 weeks. Well done Joel Stern.
November 8 Guest speaker Richard Adams updates YCS on his roles as a YCFC director and Chairman of the Vice Presidents. Read More
October 4 Guest speaker Dale Banton recounts his footballing career. Read More
August 4 First City Predictor closes. 38 supporters have a chance to win cash prizes if they can successfully predict the outcome of City's season.
May 30 Giving everyone a chance to raise funds for YCS / YCFC at no cost to themselves, YCS launch an Easy Giving account.
May 10 A rather sombre evening given the passing of Dot earlier in the week.
May 8 Dot Goodearl passed away today. Dot was a lifelong City fan and attended her first match in 1969. A long time member of York City South, she had been the Secretary of our Supporters Group since May 2003. Her tireless work in the cause will never be forgotten and Dot continued to fulfil her duties until her final days. Dot was one of the very best, it was a pleasure and honour to know her and an absolute delight to be in her company. She will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her.
April 21 YCS hosted a hospitality box for the final home league game of the season and presented Jon Parkin with his YCS Player Of The Year award. New board member Richard Adams paid us a visit and outlined some of the challenges facing any board whilst Aidan Connolly and Daniel Parslow also came up to speak to us after the game. Read More
March 22 Congrats to Ray Goodearl who regained the YCS darts championship. He beat Andy Naylor in a play off final by 2 legs to one. Andy & Ray both won 3 of their 4 games in the final 5 shoot out. Thanks to all for coming and once again to the Sheephaven Arms and publican Pat Logue for their continued support.
March 1 Dale Banton was due to be our guest speaker, but given the beast from the east (I thought Jon Parkin came from Barnsley - Ed), it was cancelled, a new date will be announced shortly.
December 7
Christmas social at The Sheephaven Arms. Mince pies and more (big screen, Christmas party food, party games, City chat and Yorkshire Quiz with thanks to Ray G and congrats to winner Chris F (with 22 out of 29). A good evening was had by all, even if it was tinged with sadness as long standing member Mel made her farewell appearance before moving back to Yorkshire.
October 19 Graeme Crawford, our guest speaker, enthralled 11 members when recounting his football career. Which teammate was the first to have a phone at home and which world famous player was rejected by Liverpool alongside Graeme in 1966.
June 20 Another slow day at Lords for YCS members and friends as Yorkshire set out to once again get the better of Middlesex.
May 11 The new lightweight York City South flag is unveiled at the AGM. Many thanks to Rosemarie Feasby for her efforts in making the flag.
April 27 Joel Stern put his name on the darts trophy, The Steve Beck Memorial Darts Trophy, the first time we've had a trophy. Ray Goodearl (4 wins) was runner up. Joint 3rd were Dot Goodearl, Andy Naylor and Derek Feasby with 3 wins each. A fun evening with thanks to Derek for organising the event and arranging the trophy.
April 1 YCS hosted a hospitality box for the Braintree game and presented our Player Of The Season award after the match to Sean Newton. Read More
March 24 Meet The Manager. YCS met Gary Mills and Darren Caskey in the team hotel before Dagenham game.
February 9 Our guest, ex City striker and now Radio York match summariser, Chris Jones, gave an insightful talk on his footballing career. Read More. Many thanks to Chris plus Terry and David for making the evening a great success.
December 7 Christmas social at The Sheephaven Arms. Mince pies and more (big screen, Christmas party food, party games, City chat, Yorkshire Quiz and darts).
October 13 Our guest, Radio York's David Ward gave an informative talk on his time reporting on City for Radio York. It was a lively and packed (24 present) social evening. It turned into a round table discussion and although David had his own thoughts and opinions, he had no earth shattering revelations (or solutions to our recent woes beyond noting 3 straight wins and getting the new stadium build confirmed would go a long way towards making things look much better). He finds his role much more enjoyable when City are doing well and bemoaned the increased presence of the national media around the club when they sensed bad news. Many thanks to David and his dad Terry, for taking the time out to travel to see us in London.
September 20 Branch members out in force at Lords as Yorkshire start their bid for a third consecutive county title. Many stayed the full 4 days.
July 11 Brollies to the fore as YCS enjoy a rain interrupted opening day of Yorkshire's county championship game at The Oval.
May 11 Derek Feasby is elected branch chairman as Joel Stern steps down due to family commitments and the imminent arrival of his second child.
April 30 YCS hired a hospitality box for the last game of the season and presented Jeff Miller with a long service award to mark his 30 years with the club.
April 7 Darts Night. The group stages saw some closely fought matches as the semi finalist were decided. Joel and Derek fell by the way side in the semi finals leaving a Goodearl local derby final. After some high quality arrows, Dot overcame Ray to retain her title.
December 3 Christmas social at The Sheephaven Arms, 2-3 Mornington Street, Camden, NW1 7QD. Big screen, Christmas party food (plus the return of the mince pie eating competition), party games and darts. What more could you want?
October 16 Under the arches and along the back streets of Southwark, navigating closed pubs and avoiding Friday night yuppies, YCS members explored craft beer on London's Beer Mile. A good time was had by all.
September 11 YCS swapped sports for the day enjoying a day at Lords as Yorkshire cemented their Championship title by going through the whole day without losing a single wicket.
April 25 26 YCS members and guests enjoyed City's hospitality for the last home game of the season. We presented Keith Lowe with his Player Of The Season trophy. Pity about the 0-2 result. When we presented Keith with his trophy, one of its arms fell off, however, we noted Keith had glued it back on when he was pictured with his trophy haul at the end of season awards' dinner. Top man.
April 16 A welcome return to our branch meeting for Sophie McGill. Read More
March 6 YCS meet Russ Wilcox and Steve Torpey at the team's hotel on the eve of the AFC Wimbledon game. Read More
February 5 Dot Goodearl narrowly beat Ray Goodearl with Andy Naylor in 3rd place in the YCS annual darts competition.
December 16 Christmas social and the opportunity to meet up with fellow YCS members at The Sheephaven Arms. Big screen, Christmas party food (plus the return of the mince pie eating competition), party games (including Wembley, the classic 50s board game) and darts.