York City South Membership

For just £10 (£5 kids) a year, you get membership, both of the York City South branch and also of the main Supporters Club back in York. For those wanting a lifelong commitment, a £125 gold plated life membership is available
Take a look at our charter to see what we have to offer.

We're always accepting new members and renewals.

  • Join by post, or pop along to one of our regular social evenings in London.
  • Watch out, you might also be accosted by us at City's games in the south.
  • Join by bank transfer or post, just send £10 (or more if you can) to our treasurer Andy Naylor (5 Castledykes Road, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4AN. Phone: 07519 499 176).
  • Even better, take out a standing order to save all the hassle of renewing every year, a one off annual payment each August direct from your bank to the branch's RBS bank account. Go on, set it up, it's a job well done.
    • Account Name: York City South
    • Sort Code: 83 15 19
    • Account Number: 15030856
    • Account Type: Business

Every penny goes to City.

Please complete our YCS membership form or email Andy Naylor for more details.

JOIN: York City Supporters' Trust

York City South holds members' personal data (names, postal addresses, email addresses and phone numbers only) and is used for branch purposes only. It is not passed onto 3rd parties. In the case of lapsed members, data will be retained (unless requested otherwise) to provide a means of communicating YCFC / YCS news. Usage complies with all legislative requirements. For any data protection / GDPR concerns, or requests for data to be deleted or amended, please email any of the named YCS branch contacts at the bottom of the home page.

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City History

Bootham Crescent

TV: City In Action

City Interviews

City Books / Fanzines

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Vice Presidents Club

Our Branch / Photos

Branch News

Branch Awards / Facts

RENEW Membership
