2020/1 - Accounts
City's 2020/1 accounts were filed on 4th May 2022 at Companies House and cover the 12 months up to 30th June 2021. The headline was that nett assets exceeded nett liabilities by £3,582,036, an "improvement" of £11.674m on a year earlier. Nett assets give a point in time valuation of the club, essentially the value of all the club if everything was liquidated and might suggest a value any prospective buyer might have to pay to acquire the club. Most nett assets are owned tangible goods and may include an amount of cash. Whilst City's Wiggington Road training will be considered an asset, it has historically been classed (and valued) as agricultural land (and not suitable for building) and therefore wiil have only a nominal value.
The turnaround can be attributed to various items, which may or may not include:
Another striking difference was the manner of the announcement, a statement on the club website, the first time I can remember this happening for a a number of years, rather than having to search Companies House. In full, the statement read, "The Directors are delighted to advise supporters of the Club that Audited Financial Statements in respect of the year ended 30 June 2021 have been filed recently with Companies House which reflect an overall surplus of Assets over Liabilities (Net Equity) amounting to £3.(sic, point!)582,036 (presumably £3,(comma)582,036). In addition, following recent payments made to Ex-Directors and Shareholder of £285,470, being their final legal entitlement following a transfer by themselves of the former ground to Bootham Crescent Holdings Limited, the Net Equity of the Football Club has increased further to £4,169,149. Without doubt it has been an incredibly lengthy and arduous journey from those dark days of 2003, when the Football Club came within 30 minutes of failing to exist, although the vision, tenacity and financial support of the Chairman, Jason McGill, has enabled the Club to create remarkably solid foundations for the current and future generations of supporters. In addition to successfully resolving a previously dire financial situation the Chairman’s determination and endeavours have been instrumental in enabling a successful transition from the former ground at Bootham Crescent that reflected its age to a new purpose-built Community Stadium with security of tenure guaranteed for a minimum period of 99 years. This culmination of events enables the Club to adopt a progressive policy of successful forward planning which will hopefully lead to success on the field and ultimately a return to the Football League".
Note, the statement states nett assets had subsequently increased to £4,169,149. Significant events that I can imagine might have given a uplift of £587,113 in about 10 months include the:
The statement gave no indication of the profit and loss / trading position over the last 12 months, something which large companies have to provide, but smaller companies, like City, have no obligation to do so.
Across much of the early part of the 2021/2 season, there was much ill will concerning City's debt and whether JMP / Jason McGill would honour the commitment to forego interest due. Given the financial year had closed nearly 4 months earlier, it was disappointing that the directors didn't confirm the JMP / Jason McGill pledge had been honoured but were able to confirm that the club was running as a profitable business when they spoke on Radio York in October 2021.
The "full" accounts were available on the Companies House website shortly after they were filed.
The accounts included:
York Press article: 2019/20 accounts, maybe they'll post more about 2020/1.
Further information can be gleamed from accounts filed at Companies House for YCFC, Bootham Crescent Holdings, JM Packaging and York Stadium Management Company.
Health Warning: This analysis is provided by a layman with no accountancy training / experience but with an eye for numbers.