Acknowledgements and Disclaimer

The formal stuff ...

This website promotes York City South. It is a not for profit organisation or website. York City South has no paid officials or employees and is run by volunteers. York City South is a supporters' club associated with York City FC.

It is 101% unofficial and is in no way connected with or endorsed by York City FC (but I'm sure they like it anyway). All opinions expressed are those of the webmasters (past, present and future).

No part of this website may be copied or reproduced without permission of YCS although in the spirit of information sharing, no request will be unreasonably refused. Requests to reproduce any content from it should ideally be made on the back of a blank cheque.

Generally, 3rd party material is acknowledged as such and apologies if it has not. Please advise if you wish any acknowledgements to be added or material to be removed. Apologies in advance for anything that shouldn't have been included. Any requests to remove material will be carried out as soon as possible and we'll consider that to be the end of the matter.

Broken Links: Please note, it is possible for web links (especially to external websites) to have been removed and / or changed. In anticipation of this, some externally referenced links have been replicated in full on this website. Please report any broken links to the webmaster.

Many images and much content has been provided by many contributors, including (but not exclusively) by Yorkcityfc TV, Phil Howden / YorkTV, Y Front, YorkNomadSociety, tsarevich1974, Jamie Reed, Paul Bowser, Daley Mayall, York Hospital Ball, Into Added Time / Bradley Saxton, various YCS members (Derek & Clare Feasby, Joel Stern and John Marshall included), Yorkshire Evening Press (in many guises including York Press and York Herald), PA Media, Football League Review, YCFC and various social media posters and others from where many links originate. Please note, across this website, some artefacts may not be credited.